Louie Family Dentistry

Laser Gum Surgery in Fremont, CA

Laser Gum Surgery in Fremont, CA

Laser gum surgery is gaining wide acceptance for treating moderate to severe gum diseases. It is entirely safe and effective for treating extreme dental conditions.

FDA has approved the use of lasers for various dental procedures, including:

  • Teeth whitening 
  • Oral surgeries
  • Endodontic procedures
  • Periodontal procedures

Our dentists at Louie Family Dentistry highly recommend laser gum surgery for dental procedures, like gum contouring, to address a gummy smile for cosmetic reasons. Our specialists use the laser with extreme accuracy and preciseness to fix damaged tissue and stimulate healthy tissue growth without affecting bones or teeth.

Benefits of Laser Gum Surgery

Laser gum surgery assists in protecting against the damaging effects of bacteria and maintaining a healthy mouth. Various benefits of laser gum surgery include:

  • Laser surgery is less invasive than other gum surgery methods as we do not cut the gum tissue.
  • Laser treatment is effective in treating advanced gum disease and eliminating the harmful bacteria accumulated in deep pockets.
  • Laser gum surgery trims excessive tissues and reshapes your gums, offering the beautiful smile you have always desired.
  • The laser also stimulates the formation of a blood clot and speeds the healing process. There is no cutting or sutures involved in laser gum surgery, and it offers quick recovery time. 

How does Laser Gum Surgery Work?

Lasers are pinpointed light rays that perform various tasks during gum surgery. They are used to:

  • Sterilize the work area
  • Kill bacteria and germs
  • Cut and remove diseased gum tissue
  • Coagulate blood vessels to form solid blood clots

Our dentists at Louie Family Dentistry use a laser to remove the diseased gum tissue around the damaged tooth's root. It removes only diseased tissue without harming healthy gum tissue. Next, the dentist removes the plaque and tartar build-up around your gum line and smoothes out any rough spots on your teeth and tooth roots. Removal of these rough spots reduces the chance of future bacterial accumulations on them. The laser gum surgery procedure eliminates the need for sutures or anesthesia and will instantly seal the wound. A healing period of a couple of days would suffice to get back to your usual routine. Our dentist will also suggest appropriate medication to fight the infection and halt its spread.

At Louie Family Dentistry, your gum health is one of our top priorities. Our periodontists are well trained in using lasers and treating patients with this therapy. They ensure proper technique and are highly skilled and proficient in using different laser wavelengths as necessary. 


Please reach out to our dental practice in Fremont, CA, to have a consultation with our dentist, Dr. Louie. Please call us at (510) 656-7778 or schedule an online consultation, and we'll guide you further.

Ready to schedule a consultation?



41268 Fremont Blvd, Fremont, CA 94538

Office Hours

MON 7:30 am - 5:00 pm

TUE 8:00 am - 5:30 pm

WED 8:00 am - 6:00 pm

THU 7:30 am - 5:30 pm

FRI 7:30 am - 4:30 pm

SAT - SUN Closed

Get in Touch

Email: reception_louie@emaildds.com

Phone: (510) 656-7778